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Motoharu Jonouchi


Motoharu Jonouchi

Motoharu Jonouchi (b. 1935, Ibaraki Prefecture–1986, Tokyo) entered Nihon University Fine Art Department. He was actively involved in the establishment of Nihon University Film Study Club and directed The Record of N (1959), which documented the damage caused by the Isewan Typhoon (Typhoon Vera), and embodies qualities seen in the theoretic juncture of the avant-garde and documentary filmmaking, highly considered by experimental filmmakers at the time. Around this time Jonouchi and Kanbara established VAN Film Science Research Center, another forum for collaborative creation of films where he worked with figures of different genres including Hiroshi Teshigahara, Shusaku Arakawa, Sho Kazakura, Genpei Akasegawa, Takehisa Kosugi, and others. 

CCJ Projects