Book Publication | Collaborative Cataloging Japan

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Book Publication


CCJ is pleased to launch its first publication project in 2020. Hopefully, this will be a series project!



Gomez, Edward M. “When Japan Reinvented Filmmaking.” Hyperallergic (October 2020): 1.

Macfarlane, Steve. “Destination Out: Cinematic Illumination, More Than Cinema and Japanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia.” The Brooklyn Rail (December 2020 - January 2021).

Noé, Amber. Japanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia: Critical Texts of the 1960s.” Millennium Film Journal 73 (April 2021).

Pires, Jesse. Japanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia: Critical Texts of the 1960s.” CAA Reviews (June 4, 2021). 10.3202/