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AMIA メモ:著作権入門ワークショップ / Notes from AMIA 2015 - Copyright 101 Workshop


Meander is a space for documentation and experimentation within our website, a place to reflect on our projects and artists, as well as a way to explore intersections between those works, artists, and themes we study under our mission (Japanese experimental moving image works made in 1950s-1980s), and those that fall outside of our mission’s specific framework of timeframe, genres, and nationality.

Meander may take multiple forms including essays, introductions to artists and their work, online screening programs, or special digital projects. Offerings in Meander may suggest oblique angles from which to see CCJ’s mission-specific works, artists, histories, or practices.

AMIA メモ:著作権入門ワークショップ / Notes from AMIA 2015 - Copyright 101 Workshop

Ann Adachi-Tasch

以下は2015年11月18−21日にアメリカオレゴン州、ポートランドで行われたAssociation of Moving Image Archivist (AMIA)のカンファレンスで開催された著作権入門ワークショップのメモです。これはアメリカの映像保存学会のカンファレンスでの様子、今日のディスカッションなどを簡単に紹介するために公開します。個人のメモであり、発表者の直接なエントリーではありません。ここでの著作権はアメリカの法律における場合です。

This entry is notes from the Copyright 101 workshop held at the Association of Moving Image Archivist Conference (AMIA), held in Portland on November 18-21, 2015. These notes are made available in order to introduce the types of discussions held by moving image archivist in the U.S., to those interested in Japan. These are notes taken by an audience member, and is not a direct entry made by the presenters of the conference. The copyright discussed here pertains to that under the U.S. law. 

レビュー:前川充 / Reviewed by Mitsuru Maekawa

Wednesday, 11/18

Notes from the Copyright 101 workshop / 著作権入門ワークショップ
Presented by Andy Sellars, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

1. そもそも著作権は何をプロテクトするのか。What /何
Copyright law protects “original work fixed in a tangible medium of expression.”

2. カバーされないものは? Limitation / リミット
Copyright does not cover ideas, procedures, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery. Inventions are protected by patent. There is an underlining principle that encourages creativity, and a recognition that everyone builds off of everyone, therefore, conceptual ideas (e.g., concept of a chair) cannot by copyrighted. 

3. 誰が著作権保持者なのか。Who / 誰
1.  Sole author
2. Joint authors: authors’ intentions merge and are inseparable or interdependent to the work. Joint authors receive equal share in rights, no matter how much an author contributed financially. *Everywhere else outside of the U.S. analyze the proportion of financial contributions to a work to determine the distribution of rights to each joint author. 
1. 単独著者
2. 共著者:各著者の意図が合成されており分離できない、あるいは相互依存の作品。共著者は各著者の金銭貢献の関係なく著作権を同等に分かち合う。*アメリカ以外のほとんどの国では作品への金銭貢献の割合が重視され、それによって権利の分配が決まる。

*Work for hire とは 著者が会社であり、雇われた者は正式な会社員であり、インデペンデント・コントラクター(独立請負人)でない場合を示す。したがって会社が作品のコントルールを持ち、作業は会社の敷地内で行わなければならない。会社員とは会社からの支払い方法、また印税申告書の用紙タイプが断定する。これはアメリカに特有な決まりである。

**Oral history is considered joint work. If a different rights share arrangement is desired, get the agreement in writing prior to conducting an interview. 

4. What rights / どのような権利か
Reproduction, distribution, derivative works, public performance, public display, digital audio transmission, etc. *Distribution right is limited by the First Sale Doctrine, which allows the owner of a particular copy to resell. 
復元、配布、派生した作品、一般公演、一般公開、音声放送等。*配布の権限は「First Sale Doctrine」というある一定のコピーの持ち主が再販売できる決まりで制限されている。

5. フェア・ユースについて。Fair Use / 公正使用
1. Use and character of use / 使い方と使い方の性質
2. Nature of the underlying work. Should be transformative. / 作品の特質。変革の力があるべき
3. Amount and substantiality / もとの作品の量と実在性
4. Effect on the market for the original / もとの作品への経済的影響


6. 例外。Section 108 The Libraries and Archives exception / セクション108、図書館、アーカイブの例外
This limitation allows libraries and archives to reproduce and distribute copies of a work within the certain library/archive’s premises. It also allows libraries to make copies for preservation purpose. If a work is unpublished, a library may make up to three copies, including digital copies. The library may also make up to three copies of damaged, deteriorating, lost, or stolen work. This is not the same as Fair Use.

レファレンス / Useful references

Association of Research Libraries Code of Best Practices in Fair Use

Peter Hirtle, Copyright and Cultural Institutions: Guidelines for Digitization for U.S. Libraries, Archives, and Museums
