Archival Impulse: Field Trips | Collaborative Cataloging Japan

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Archival Impulse: Field Trips


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Archival Impulse: Field Trips

Organized in conjunction with the panel event, Archival Impulse: Collecting and Conserving the Moving Image in Asia, on September 10th, the group of archivists, curators, and researchers from Asia will take field trips to nearby organizations that collect, preserve, and circulate moving image. The visits are hosted by US-based archivists, educators, and museum professionals. 

Visits will include:

The Guggenheim Museum
Anthology Film Archive
Electronic Art Intermix
NYU Moving Image Archiving and Preservation


This event is co-organized by Asia Art Archive in America and Collaborative Cataloging Japan.

Support for this event is provided, in part by the Japan Foundation New York, Grants for Arts & Culture.