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Meander is a space for documentation and experimentation within our website, a place to reflect on our projects and artists, as well as a way to explore intersections between those works, artists, and themes we study under our mission (Japanese experimental moving image works made in 1950s-1980s), and those that fall outside of our mission’s specific framework of timeframe, genres, and nationality.

Meander may take multiple forms including essays, introductions to artists and their work, online screening programs, or special digital projects. Offerings in Meander may suggest oblique angles from which to see CCJ’s mission-specific works, artists, histories, or practices.

Nobukazu Suzuki invited to AMIA New Orleans for Professional Exchange Program

Ann Adachi-Tasch

As part of CCJ's Professional Exchange Program, CCJ is pleased to invite Nobukazu Suzuki to this year's Association of Moving Image Archivists conference in New Orleans (November 29 - December 2). 


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Restoration of Rikuro Miyai's Shadow (1968)

Ann Adachi-Tasch

CCJ is pleased to announce its first preservation project, the restoration of Rikuro Miyai's Shadow, a two-channel 16mm expanded cinema work. The project is led by researcher Go Hirasawa, and supervised by Akihiro Suzuki. 

CCJ団体としての初の保存企画、フィルム作家の宮井陸郎氏の16mm、2チャンネル作品「シャドー」(1968)を進めております。新しい16mmを使った上映を11月4日フィラデルフィアのLightbox Film Centerで行います。

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