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Masao Adachi

Courtesy of the artist

Masao Adachi

Masao Adachi (1939, Japan) joined Nihon University Film Study Club (Nichidai Eiken) and co-directed works such as Bowl (1960) and Closed Vagina (1963). After co-establishing VAN Film Science Research Center (VAN), he joined Wakamatsu Production, where he collaborated with Koji Wakamatsu on many underground classic political “pink films,” such as The Embryo Hunts in Secret (1966), Violated Angels (1967), Go, Go Second Time Virgin (1969) and Female Student Guerrilla (1969, as director). At the same time, he independently produced films Galaxy (1967) and AKA:Serial Killer (1969). After co-directing Red Army/PFLP: Declaration of World War (1971) with Wakamatsu, Adachi joined the Japanese Red Army and relocated to Lebanon for 20 years. Upon return, Adachi made new works such as Prisoner/Terrorist (2006) and Artist of Fasting (2015). Adachi’s avant-garde creation across art, film, and politics is extremely unique, which continues today with his most recent film Revolution+1 (2022-2023), a film that depicts Tetsuya Yamagami who assassinated the former prime minister Shinzo Abe.