*CANCELED* Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver: De-Time | Collaborative Cataloging Japan

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*CANCELED* Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver: De-Time


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*CANCELED* Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver: De-Time

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Haverford College is closed and this program has been canceled.

Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver: De-time

April 9th – May 15, 2020, with opening reception on April 9th, 2020

Presented within the Strange Truth 2020 film series at Haverford College and Bryn Mawr Film Institute, the exhibition De-Time highlights the artist’s work dealing with the concept of time. This exhibition is presented by Haverford College’s John B. Hurford ’60 Center for the Arts and Humanities and VCAM and co-organized with Collaborative Cataloging Japan (CCJ) as part of the STRANGE TRUTH 2020 series, with support from the Philadelphia Area Creative Collaboratives (PACC) initiative and the Malcolm Baldwin 1962 Fund.

More information will be announced.